Dialogue on Freedom
Clark County Bar Association

Dialogue on Freedom is a civic culture program designed to teach students about American values in an age of terrorism. It is conducted in a high school history, government or civics class and is facilitated by community activists who volunteer an hour or two of their time for this one-day activity. Designed to promote democratic values, Dialogue on Freedom helps high school students to reflect on the liberties and rights guaranteed by the US constitution, liberties and rights that cannot be taken for granted today. Discussions are lead by volunteer attorneys, judges, scholars, and other community members who present a series of hypothetical situations that require students to take a stance and defend democratic values which might be questioned in different parts of the world.

Clark County Bar Association spearheaded the last series of dialogues that took place on Thursday May 1st and Friday May 2nd, 2003, in conjunction with Law Day. Among the high schools participating in this exercise were Cheyenne, Western, Centennial, Community College, Faith Lutheran, Cowan Behavioral, Lake Mead Christian, and Silverado. The following volunteers and community activists participated in Dialogue on Freedom:

Constance Akridge
John Aldridge
Audrey Bath
Joe Cain
Vince Counsul
John Delikanakis
Cam Ferenbach
Lloyd George
Elizabeth Gonzalez
Dean Hardy
Melissa Harris
Donna Hoffner
Gregory Kamer
Allen Kimbrough
Mathew Milone
Ann Murray
Rachelle Resnik
Rose Marie Reynolds
Dianne Rymarowicz
Lina Sakalauskas
Dmitri Shalin
Marcia Stribling
Gloria Sturman
Daren Welsh
Bill Werner

If you are interested in joining Dialogue on Freedom or would like to hep with other civic education programs, please contact Connie Akridige 702-880-4528, akridge@wadhams-akridge.com or Dmitri Shalin, 702-895-0259, shalin@unlv.nevada.edu.

Web Links

Dialogue on Freedom

Photography by Stephanie Abbot, Clark County Bar Association