Judging the Judges:
Should We Elect or Appoint Nevada Judges?

Justice & Democracy Forum Series

UNLV Center for Democratic Culture
William S. Boyd School of Law
Tuesday, December 10, 2002*

Session 1. 10:00 - 12:30 a.m.

Evaluating Judicial Talent: Surveying, Ranking, and Promoting Judges

Moderator: Jeffrey W. Stempel

Judicial Accountability and Independence: A Federal Judge’s Perspective
The Honorable Philip M. Pro, U.S. District Court

Ten Years of Surveying Nevada Judges: A Sociologist’s Perspective
Donald Carns, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, and Nancy Downey, Downey Research Associates

Keeping Judges Accountable: An Attorney’s Perspective
Cam Ferenbach, President, and Constance L. Akridge, President-Elect, Clark County Bar Association

Running for a Judicial Office: Report From the Trenches
Jackie Glass, District Court Judge Elect, and John Curtas, Board of Governors, Nevada State Bar

Improving Judicial Selection: A Legal Scholar’s Perspective
Jeffrey W. Stempel, William S. Boyd School of Law

Luncheon 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.**

Session 2. 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Judicial Elections vs. Judicial Selections

Moderator: Ted G. Jelen

Evaluating and Electing Nevada Judges: A Journalist’s Perspective
Thomas Mitchell, Las Vegas-Review Journal

Evaluating the Judges: A District Court Judge’s Perspective
Dianne Steel, District Court Judge, and Nancy Saitta, District Court Judge

Should Elections Be Publicly Funded?
Michael W. Bowers, University of Nevada-Las Vegas

Judicial Elections and the Ethics of Political Campaigning
The Honorable Nancy Becker, Nevada Supreme Court Justice

Improving Judicial Elections
Ted G. Jelen, University of Nevada-Las Vegas

*The conference attendance is free; the forum is held at William S. Boyd School of Law, Room 102.
**Luncheon ticket is $24, for reservations please email <cdclv@unlv.edu>.

Web Links

Judging Judges in the Spotlight
John Smith, UNLV Program to Examine Whether Judges Should Be Elected or Appointed
Jane Ann Morrison, Judging Judges: Panel Debates Electing, Apointing

John Smith, Maybe Good Mechanics Make Better Judges Than Mediocre Lawyers

Steve Sebelius, It's Obvious: Appoint
Thomas Mitchell, A Week Among the Folks Who Know Best




Photography by Jerry Henkel, Las Vegas Review-Journal