Bios Sociologicus: The Erving Goffman Archives

Dmitri N. Shalin, ed. (UNLV: CDC Publications, 2008-2013)

Daniel Albas, At the Convocation Goffman Said, “One Is Born Near a Granary and Spends the Rest of His Life Suppressing It”
Angelo Alonzo, I Asked Goffman If He Had Time and He Said “No” But If I Wanted to Talk as He Ran a Couple of Errands I Was Welcome to Come Along
Peter Archibald, “If You Are Such a Great Sociologist, Why Are You Still in Canada?” My Encounter with Erving Goffman
Carl Backman, Goffman's Reply Was, "Make Sure the Presentation Is in a Small Room So It Will Look Like a Lot of People Are There"
Eli Bay, My Father Used to Refer to Erving as “Goofy Goffman” 
Harold Bershady, Erving Turned to Me and Said, "You Know, Elijah Anderson Is Really a Professional Sociologist, He Is Not a Professional Black"
Esther Besbris, When Erving Was an Infant My Mother Nursed Us Both So We Were Bosom Buddies
Joel Best, Goffman Told Me, "It Is Really Hard to Do That Kind of Thing Well," and That Was About All the Advice I Ever Got from Him
Elizabeth Bott-Spillius, Erving Goffman in Toronto, Chicago and London
Meyer Brownstone, Erving Should Not Be Judged in Any Way and Certainly Not by Students Who Saw or Knew Very Little of Goff
Sherri Cavan, Having Been Goffman's Student I Am Drawn to Voltaire’s Dictum, "To the Living We Owe Respect, to the Dead We Owe Only the Truth"
Ira Cisin, My Father and Erving Made a Number of Trips to Nevada to Play Blackjack
Aaron Cicourel, Remembering Erving Goffman
Adele Clark, One of Erving’s Writings Influenced Bob to Write a Basic Article on Higher Education
Walter Clark, Erving and Ira Were Counting Cards When Two Biggest Men They Ever Saw Came up and Said, “We Don’t Want Your Play, Partner”
Arlene Daniels, Erving Always Behaved Like A Guttersnipe, Teasing and Mocking With His Back Against the Wall
Richard Daniels, Goffman Was Always Ready to Explain, and He Did That without Condescension, with Patience, and with Grace
David Dickens, A Small Unassuming Man Walked up to Me, Shook My Hand and Told Me, “I Really Enjoyed Your Paper”
Robert Dingwall, "Erving Needs a Pee. . . "
Russell Dynes, I Had the New President, So I Said, “OK, Erving, I Am Sending Over a Reporter"
Fred Elkin, Remembering Erving Goffman
Gary Fine, Goffman Turns to Me and Says, “Only a Schmuck Studies His Own Life”
Andy Fontana, Marvin Scott Warned Me That Goffman Did Not Like People Writing About Him, That We Should Only Write About Dead People
Renee Fox, Erving Goffman Was a Brilliantly Imaginative Sociologist and a Pathmaking Ethnographer, Who Had a Deep Influence on His Students
Gertrude Frankelson, Erving Came in, Kissed Me and Said, “Oh, Goldie, You Still Have a Beautiful Nose!”
David Franks, Remembering Greg Stone and Erving Goffman
William Gamson, A Stranger Determined to Remain One
Carol Gardner, I Don’t Have Words Enough to Describe Goffman’s Generosity
Arnold Glass, Goffman Sat on My Immediate Left at a Long, Oblong Table in a Room in the Social Science Building
Charles Glock, Losing Erv, I Recognized, Would Be a Severe Blow to the Department
Frances Goffman Bay, At His Bar Mitzvah Erving Gave a Little Speech That He Wrote Himself and That He Called “Ode to Mother” 
Jeffrey Goldfarb, Then Maurice Janowitz Came Over and Said to Goffman, “Cut It Out, Erving”
Leo Goodman, Remembering Chicago Sociologists
Joseph Gusfield, Erving Was a Brilliant Scholar and a Mensch
Robert Habenstein, He Was a Heck of a Nice Guy, Kind of Shy, and the Kids Liked Him
Gerald Handel, Remembering Erving Goffman
Samuel Heilman, As Goffman Was Talking about Remedial Interchanges, He Took a Glass of Water and Spilled it on Rosenberg’s Lap
Travis Hirschi, A “Variable” Researcher’s Memories of Erving Goffman
Ruth Horowitz, Goffman Turned to Me and Said With Some Surprise, "You Like Doing Fieldwork?"
Joan Huber, Erving Goffman's Presentation of Self as ASA President
John Irwin, Goffman Was by Far the Smartest, Most Interesting, Complex, Though, at Times, Snide or Disparaging Individual I Have Ever Known
Rachel Kahn-Hut, To My Surprise Goffman Called Himself a Functionalist, But His Former Students Assured Me That He Was Only Playing With Us

Avron Katz, After High Holidays Erving Made up Excuses Rather than Admit that He Missed School Because He Was Jewish

Louis Kriesberg, In Writing These Reflections, I Realize I Should Re-read Goffman for New Insights on Contemporary Conflict Resolution Issues
Lester Kurtz, A Glimpse of Goffman
Gladys Lang, Erving Got the Keys for His Office and Handed Over Them to Me, Saying, “Use My Office, I Can Work at Home”
Kurt Lang, Goffman Converted His Personal Neurosis or Inferiority Complex into a Very Productive and Creative Solution
Victor Lidz, I Found Goffman Talented, Original, Rewarding to Read, but Basically Problematic
Dean MacCannell, Some of Goffman’s Guardedness and Verbal Toughness Was a Way of Giving Himself the Space and Time to Do the Work He Loved
Peter Manning, Encounters with Erving Goffman
Gladys Meirovits, Erving Got up and Moved to the Center for the Room and Began Doing a Mime Strip-tease
Saul Mendlovitz, Erving Was a Jew Acting Like a Canadian Acting Like a Britisher
Peter Miller, The Zen of Erving Goffman
Calvin Morrill, Turns out Goffman Had Been Observing Students the Whole Time and Used the Notes He Had Taken While Observing Their Behavior
David Nasatir, Erving Goffman and Asymmetric Anonymity
Jane Allyn Piliavin, Toward the End of the Party He Said to My Husband, “Why Are All These Smart People Doing Such Stupid Things?”
Mark Piliavin, We Are in This Ridiculously Long Line, and Erv Says, “I Can't Believe We're Standing in Line with All These Pricks”
Elizabeth Pochoda, In this Time photograph, he hoped to be unrecognizable: "I still do field work. I don't want to be recognized everywhere"
Jane Prather, Goffman Demonstrated the Best Teaching Skills of Any Professor I Had Ever Had
Laurel Richardson, When I Said I Was the Daughter of a Jewish Woman Who Emigrated from Russia, Goffman Said, “So That Explains Why You Are so Smart”
Robin Room, Only Someone Who Had Trouble with Sociability Would Be So Keen an Observer
David Sapir, Seeing the Photographs Erving said, "Do You Think That Those Pictures Say Anything about Reality? Absolutely not. . ."
Magali Sarfatti-Larson, Goffman Was One of the Most Memorable People I Have Met in the Academia Because He Was Not an Academic
Thomas Schelling, If There Were a Nobel Prize for Sociology Goffman Would Deserve to Be the First One Considered
Jordan Scher, Erving Disavowed Psychiatric Functioning at St. Elizabeth’s and I Explored Role-Playing and the Presentation of Self in Schizophrenia
Deborah Schiffrin, Erving Said That the Rigor and Formal Nature of Linguistics Could Add Status to the Just-Beginning Study of Social Interaction
Marvin Scott, To me, Goffman Was a Shakespearean Figure, the Fool Who Spoke the Wisdom of the Play
Gino Segre, As We Were Leaving the Tennis Court, Erving Told Me, “You Were Wrong.  Nothing in Life Is Casual”
Vladimir Shlapentokh, The Pen of a Genius Is Mightier Than the Writer
James Short, Erving Seemed Surprised at How Little “Power” Came with the ASA Presidency, Noting that the Position of Secretary Carried More Clout
Arlene Skolnick, Remembering Erving Goffman
Neil Smelser, At the End of That First Year or So I Would Say That I Became as Close to Erving as Anyone Else in the Sociology Department
Rodney Stark, Goffman Was Trying to Get Away with the Descriptions of Those Fairly Sane People as He Laid Out His Notion of Mental Illness
Ann Swidler, Goffman Was an Intense Perfectionist about His Writing, Putting Sheet after Sheet into the Typewriter and Then Throwing Each Away
Leonard Syme, Erving Looked at the Room and Announced, “I See Everyone Is Observing the Rituals of Mourning”
Edward Tiryakian, Parsons Was About 5’6’’or 5’5’’but When He Started to Speak, He Got to Be Six Feet Five
Ralph Turner, The Presentation of Self Reminded Me of Dale Carnegie's Best Selling How to Win Friends and Influence People
Roy Turner, What Struck Me First bout Goffman Was That He Had an Amazing Elegance in His Delivery
Ruth Wallace, Goffman Really Was Going out of His Way to Help People Who Were Different
Jack Whalen, I Read Presentation of Self, and It Was Like Nothing I Ever Read – “Oh, My God, That Is Sociology?”
Audrey Wipper, Goffman Was Very Original from the Beginning, He Had His Own Way of Seeing and He Stuck to It
Jacqueline Wiseman, Having a Genius for a Friend
Dennis Wrong, Bobby Adamson Said, “Pooky Is a Genius, and as Soon as He Starts Writing His Own Stuff It Will Be Recognized” 
Marly Zaslov, The Whole Idea of Image and How You Are Perceived by Other People Was Important for the Averbachs
Eviatar Zerubavel, Studying with Erving Goffman
Dmitri Shalin, Goffman's Biography and the Interaction Order: A Study in Biocritical Hermeneutics

* The Erving Goffman Archives (EGA) is the web-based, open-source project that serves as a clearing house for those interested in the dramaturgical tradition in sociology and biographical methods of research.  The EGA is located in the Intercyberlibrary of the UNLV Center of Democratic Culture,  Postings on the website are divided into four partially overlapping sections:  “Documents and Papers,” “Biographical Materials,” “Critical Assessments,” and “Comments and Dialogues.”  For inquiries regarding the EGA projects, please contact Dr. Dmitri Shalin,  When you cite the materials collected for the EGA, please use the following reference:  Bios Sociologicus: The Erving Goffman Archives, Dmitri N. Shalin, ed. (UNLV: CDC Publications, 2009).