Robert J. Antonio



Marx and Modernity. Robert J. Antonio, London, England, Blackwell Publishers, 2002.

A Weber-Marx Dialogue. Robert J. Antonio and Ronald Glassman (eds.), Lawrence, University Press of Kansas , 1985.

Social Problems: Conflicts of Values and Interests. Robert J. Antonio and George Ritzer (eds.), Boston , Allyn and Bacon, 1975.

Articles and Chapters:

“Globalization and the End of History.” In George Ritzer (ed), The Blackwell Companion to Globalization Malden, MA: Blackwell (2006). (In preparation).

“Max Weber in the Post-World War Two US and After.” Etica & Politica (Department of Philosophy; University of Trieste ) (Forthcoming special issue on Weber) (2005) 90 pp.

“Max Weber en los EEUU: las fusiones Weber-Marx, el Weber posmoderno y después.” In Javier Rodriguez (ed.), En El Centenario De La Ėtica Protestante Y El Espíritu del Capitalismo. Madrid: C.I.S., Colección Academia. (Forthcoming 2005).

“Periodizing Globalization: From Cold War Modernization to the Bush Doctrine” (with Alessandro Bonanno), In Jennifer Lehmann with Harry Dahms (eds), Current Perspectives in Social Theory; Between the Cold War and the New World Order. Elsevier (2005) (Forthcoming) Vol. 24, 85 pp.

“For Social Theory: Alvin Gouldner’s Last Project and Beyond.” In Jennifer Lehmann (ed.), Current Perspectives in Social Theory: Questioning Social Change. Elsevier (2005) Inpress, Vol. 23. Pp. 71-129.

"A Democracy in the Era of Globalization" (with Alessandro Bonanno) Walking Toward Justice: Democratization in Rural Life (Research in Rural Sociology and Development), Vol. 9, Michael Bell and Fred Hendricks, Elsevier. (2003). Pp. 43-66.

A Democracia En La Era of Globalization (with Alessandro Bonanno) in Azril Bacal, Bernardino Mata & Rosemary Galli (eds) Democracia Es Camino A La Justicia Y A La Dignidad, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico (sponsored by International Rural Sociological Association and Latin American Rural Sociology Association, (2002). Pp. 30-60. (Revised version of the above.)

A Nietzsche: Social Theory in the Twilight of the Millennium. In George Ritzer and Barry Smart (eds.), Handbook of Social Theory, Sage: London, (2001). Pp. 163-78.

A New Global Capitalism? From Americanism and Fordism to Americanization Globalization, (with Alessandro Bonanno), American Studies (Summer/Fall, 2000). Pp. 33-77.

A After Postmodernism: Reactionary Tribalism. American Journal of Sociology. (July, 2000), Pp.40-87.

Revised Russian version in Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, St. Petersberg University (sponsored by Kovalesky Sociological Society and Russian Academy of Science). (2004) 7 (4) Pp. 32-62. Published with interview with me “Profession and Vocation.” Pp. 5-31.

A Karl Marx. In George Ritzer, (ed.), Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists. Malden, MA.: Blackwell (2000), pp. 105-43.

"Mapping Postmodern Social Theory." In Alan Sica (ed.), What is Social Theory?: The Philosophical Debates. Blackwell (1998), pp. 22-75.

A Skiciranje Postmodernisti … ke Društvene Teorije, Philosophy and Society (XIII, 1998), Pp. 35-100.(Serbo-Croatian version).

A Post-Fordism in the United States: The Poverty of Market Centered Democracy," (with Alessandro Bonanno), Current Perspectives in Social Theory. (Vol. 16, 1996), pp. 3-32.

"La povertà della democrazia contrata sul mercato," (with Alessandro Bonanno). Alternative. (June, 1995) pp. 74-87 (Revised Italian version).

"Nietzsche's Antisociology: Subjectified Culture and the End of History." American Journal of Sociology. (July, 1995), pp. 1-43.

"The Future of Social Theory and the Limits of Postmodern Thought" (with Douglas Kellner). In David Dickens and Andrea Fontana (eds.), Postmodernism and Social Inquiry. Guilford Press (1994) pp. 127-52.

"Communication, Democratization, and Modernity: Critical Reflections on Habermas and Dewey" (with Douglas Kellner). Symbolic Interaction. (Fall, 1992) pp. 277-97.

"Metatheorizing Historical Rupture: Classical Theory and Modernity" (with Douglas Kellner). In George Ritzer (ed.), Metatheorizing in Sociology. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publishers (1992), pp. 88-106.

"Postmodern Storytelling vs. Pragmatic Truth Seeking: The Discursive Bases of Social Theory." Sociological Theory. (Fall, 1991), pp. 154-63.

"Not Reading Closely: Response to Bogard and Rogers." Sociological Theory. (Fall, 1992), pp. 247-51.

"The Decline of the Grand Narrative of Emancipatory Modernity: Crisis or Renewal in Neo-Marxist Theory?" In George Ritzer (ed.), Frontiers of Social Theory. New York: Columbia University Press (1990), pp. 88-116.

"The Problem of Normative Foundations in Emancipatory Theory Evolutionary Vs. Pragmatic Perspectives." American Journal of Sociology. (January, 1989), pp. 721-48.

"Critical Theory and Public Life: Response to Brante and Chung." American Journal of Sociology. (January, 1990), pp. 1045-52.

"Democracy and Abundance: The Declining Middle and Postliberal Politics" (with Tim Knapp). Telos. (Summer, 1988), pp. 93-114.

"Reason and History in Hayek." Critical Review. (Spring, 1987), pp. 58-73. To be reprinted in Xueshu Sixiang Pinglun, Review of Scholarship and Thought (forthcoming - Chinese Translation).

"Emergence and Decline of the Ancient Roman State ." In Metin Heper (ed.), The State and Public Bureaucracies: A Comparative Perspective. New York: Greenwood Press (1987), pp. 59-71.

"The Dialectics of Authoritarian Bureaucracy: Extraction and Patrimony in Ancient Rome." Research in Political Sociology. Vol. II (1986), pp. 19-47.

"Militarism and Political Economy" (with Pat Akard). In George Ritzer (ed.), Social Problems. New York, Random House (1986), pp. 574-625.

"Values, History, and Science: The Metatheoretic Foundations of the Weber-Marx Dialogue." In Antonio and Glassman (eds.), A Weber-Marx Dialogue. Lawrence, University Press of Kansas (1985), pp. 20-43.

"Weber vs. Parsons: Domination or Technocratic Model of Social Organization." In Max Weber's Political Sociology, Ronald Glassman and Vatro Murvar (eds.). Greenwood Press (1984), pp. 155-74.

"The Origin, Development, and Contemporary Status of Critical Theory." The Sociological Quarterly. (Summer 1983), pp. 325-51.

"Military Spending and The Contemporary American Crisis" (With Dean Braa). Economic Forum. (Summer, 1982), pp. 111-34.

"Immanent Critique as the Core of Critical Theory." British Journal of Sociology. (September, 1981), pp. 330-45.

"The Political Economy of Education." In Political Economy: A Critique of American Society. Scott McNall (ed.). New York, Praeger-Holt (1981), pp. 46-72.

"The Contradiction of Production and Domination in Bureaucracy: The Contribution of Organizational Efficiency to the Decline of the Roman Empire." American Sociological Review (December, 1979), pp. 895-912.

"Labelling Theory as an Oversocialized Conception of Man" (with Jill Quadagno). Sociology and Social Research (Fall, 1975), pp. 33-45.

"On Ignoring the Subtle Dimensions of Labelling: The Case of Mental Illness." Kansas Journal of Sociology. (Spring, 1975), pp. 3-13.

"Social Problems: A Conflict Approach." In Antonio and Ritzer (eds.), Social Problems: Values and Interests in Conflict. Boston : Allyn and Bacon (1975), pp. 1-12.

"The Work of R.D. Laing: A Neo-Marxist, Phenomenological Interpretation." The Human Context (Spring, 1975). (Also published in French translation), pp. 13-38.

Reprinted in: Contemporary Issues Criticism, Dedria Bryfonski, ed. Detroit, Gale Research Company, 1983.

"Phenomenological Sociology." In George Ritzer, Sociology: A Multiple Paradigm Science. Boston: Allyn and Bacon (1974), pp. 108-24.

"The Processual Dimension of Degradation Ceremonies: The Chicago Conspiracy Trial, Success or Failure?" British Journal of Sociology. (September, 1972), pp. 287-97.

"Graduate Education: A Program for Change." (with Jay Coakley, Rosina Fieno and Mario Renzi)Research Reports in the Social Sciences. (Spring, 1970), pp. 35-54.

Encyclopedia Entries:

“Karl Marx” in George Ritzer (ed.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Blackwell (forthcoming 2006).

“Karl Marx”; “Materialism”; “Marxism” in Austin Harrington, Barbara Marshall, and Hans Peter Marshall (eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory. London, UK (Forthcoming 2005).

"Materialism." In Edgar F. Borgatta and Rhonda J. V. Montgomery (eds.)Encyclopedia of Sociology. New York: MacMillan (Revised and extended: 2000) Pp. 1780-86.

A Materialism. MacMillan, (1992), pp. 1216-21 (earlier version).

"Max Weber." In Seymour Martin Lipset (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Democracy. Congressional Quarterly Books, (1995).

Review Essays:

Richard, Howard, The Spector of Democracy. Logos, (June, 2003), Nu 2/3. (

Wolfgang J. Mommsen, The Political and Social Theory of Max Weber; Philosophy of the Social Sciences , (March, 1994), pp. 103-110.

Wolfgang Schluchter, Rationalism, Religion, and Domination: A Weberian Perspective. The Journal of Religion , (January, 1992).

"Search for Uncertainty." Review essay of James T. Kloppenberg, Uncertain Victory. Telos(Fall, 1989), pp. 154-62.

"Searching for Justice." Review essay of Derek L. Phillips, Toward a Just Social Order. Telos (Spring, 1988), pp. 199-204.

"One-Dimensional Protestantism." Review essay of Arthur Vidich and Stanford Lyman, American Sociology: Worldly Rejections of Religion and Their Directions (part of review symposium); Symbolic Interaction (Fall, 1986), pp. 259-65.

"Is Emancipatory Theory Possible?" Review essay of Martin Jay, Marxism and Totality. Contemporary Sociology, (January, 1986), pp. 45-47.

G.L. Ulmen, The Science of Society: Toward an Understanding of the Life and Work of Karl August Wittfogel. Telos (Winter, 1981-82), pp. 197-210.

"Simmel's Metaphysics of Money and the Rationalization of Life," Review essay of Georg Simmel, The Philosophy of Money. Journal of the History of Sociology (Fall-Winter, 1980-81), pp. 119-33.

Zdenek Mlynar, Nightfrost in Prague: The End of Human Socialism. Telos (Summer, 1980), pp. 233-39.

Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business. Telos, (Winter, 1980), pp. 188-193.

Witold Kula, An Economic Theory of the Feudal System: Toward a Model of the Polish Economy 1500-1800 and Pierre Vilar; A History of Gold and Money 1450-1920. Telos (Fall, 1978), pp. 235-41.

Book Reviews:

Nicholas Gane, Max Weber and Postmodern Theory. Contemporary Sociology (September, 2003), pp. 646-647.

R.W. Fevre. The Demoralization of Western Culture: Social Theory and the Dilemmas of Modern Living. American Journal of Sociology (March, 2002), pp.1387-89.

Kevin Hetherington. Expressions of Identity: Space, Performance, Politics, SAGE Publications, Inc. Contemporary Sociology (July, 2000), pp. 678-9.

James B. Rule. Theory and Progress in Social Science; Contemporary Sociology (September, 1998), pp. 537-8.

Peter Breiner, Max Weber and Democratic Politics; American Journal of Sociology (May, 1997), pp. 1741-3.

Moishe Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory. The Journal of Modern History (March, 1996), pp. 157-9.

Stewart Clegg, Paul Boreham, and Geoff Dow, Class, Politics, and the Economy. Social Forces(December, 1987), pp. 562-63.

Erica Sherover-Marcuse, Emancipation and Consciousness; American Journal of Sociology (November, 1987), pp. 711-13.

Robert Eden, Political Leadership and Nihilism: A Study of Weber and Nietzsche. American Journal of Sociology (May, 1986), pp. 1507-09.

Bryan Turner, For Max Weber; American Journal of Sociology (May, 1983), pp. 650-54.

Morton Schoolman, The Imaginary Witness: The Critical Theory of Herbert Marcuse; Contemporary Sociology (November, 1982), pp. 774-76.

Piotr Sztompka, Sociological Dilemmas; Social Forces (September, 1981), pp. 245-47.

Richard Kilminster, Praxis and Method: and Harold Entwistle, Antonio Gramsci. Social Forces (June, 1981), pp. 1316-17.

Guenther Roth and Wolfgang Schluchter, Max Weber's Vision of History. American Journal of Sociology (November, 1980), pp. 1291-94.

Ernest Mandel, Late Capitalism; Contemporary Sociology (March, 1980), pp. 243-45.

Daniel Rodgers, The Work Ethic in American 1850-1920. Contemporary Sociology (July, 1979), pp. 595-96.

R.D. Laing, The Politics of the Family. The Human Context, (Summer, 1975), pp. 353-54.

Henri Lefebvre, Everyday Life in the Modern World; The Human Context (Fall, 1975), pp. 626-28.

Notes, Newspaper, Magazine Articles:

“Remembering Derrida.” Fast Capitalism (2005) 1 (1) (

"Are We Critical Enough?." Comparative Historical Sociology. Newsletter of the Comparative Historical Section of the ASA. (Fall, 1994), pp. 1, 3-4.

"A Bureaucratic Approach to Bureaucracy." Telos (Fall, 1983), pp. 177-85.

"The Crisis of the Left." Telos (Winter, 1980-81) (with Pat Akard, Mike Lacy, Robert John), pp. 81-88.

"Freiheit ist notwendig wie Papier und Bleistift." Deutsche Volkszeitung Nr. 32, August 7, 1980.

(Feature Essay on Academic Freedom in the U.S. and West Germany. The publication is a West German daily newspaper with national circulation), p. 10.

"The Poverty of American Sociology," (with Parviz Piran). Transforming Sociology Series of Red Feather Institute of Advanced Studies in Sociology (1979), 18 pages.

"The Antioch Telos Conference." Telos (Spring, 1977) (published under Kansas Telos Group), pp. 188-92.

"Black Anti-Semitism Crisis: Myth or Threat." NIP (December, 1968), pp. 22, 24, 54, 55.


Problems in Kansas Economic Development Planning (Report on ECODEVO planning structures and processes; 1992 for Institute for Public Policy and Business Research (University of Kansas).