Erkki Kilpinen

Publications in English


The Pragmatic Foundations of the Institutionalistic Method: Veblen's Preconceptions and their Relation to Peirce and Dewey. In S. Fayazmanesh & M. R. Tool (editors), Institutional Method and Value: Essays in Honor of Paul Dale Bush. Vol. I, pp. 23-47. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 1998.

Creativity is Coming. Acta Sociologica (Journal of the Scandinavian Sociological Association), vol. 41 (1998), 2: 173-179. [Review-essay on The Creativity of Action (1996), by Hans Joas.]


What Is Rationality? A New Reading of Veblen's Critique of Utilitarian Hedonism. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, vol. 13 (1999), 2: 187-206.


The Enormous Fly-Wheel of Society: Pragmatism's Habitual Conception of Action and Social Theory. 472 pp. Research Reports, no. 235, Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki.


Joas, Bourdieu, Taylor. [Review-essay on The Genesis of Values (2000), by Hans Joas.] Acta Sociologica, vol. 45 (2002), 1: 57 -62.

A neglected classic vindicated: The place of George Herbert Mead in the general tradition of semiotics. Semiotica, vol. 142, 1/4: 1-30. (Mouton d’Or Prize-winning article as the best article of 2002 in Semiotica.)


Does Pragmatism Imply Institutionalism? Journal of Economic Issues, vol. 37 (2003), 2: 291-304. (The Clarence E. Ayres Memorial Lecture for the Association for Evolutionary Economics, January 3, 2003.)


How to Fight the Methodenstreit? Veblen and Weber on Economics, Psychology and Action. International Review of Sociology/Révue internationale de sociologie, vol. 14 (2004), 3: 413-432.


A Positive Reply to Constructive Criticism. Author’s reply to a review-symposium on The Enormous Fly-Wheel of Society (2000), in Action, Criticism & Theory for Music Education (an internet journal, ISSN 1545-4517), vol. 4, No. 1, March 2005.


Together with Hans Joas: Creativity and Society. In Joseph Margolis and John Shook (editors), A Companion to Pragmatism, pp. 323-335. Oxford: Blackwell.

2006-2007 (forthcoming)

Memetics – A Critique: On the use of meaning concepts about nature and culture. Forthcoming in European Journal for Semiotic Studies.

The Habitual Conception of Action and Social Theory. Forthcoming in Semiotica.

Selected Publications on Pragmatism in Finnish:


Pragmatismista ja sen yhteiskuntatieteellisestä merkityksestä. [‘On Pragmatism and Its Social-Scientific Relevance’]. Ajatus [The Yearbook of the Philosophical Society of Finland], vol. 60: 213-239.

2007 (forthcoming)

John Dewey, George Herbert Mead ja pragmatistisen yhteiskuntatieteen ongelmat. [John Dewey, G. H. Mead and problems in pragmatist social science]. Forthcoming in a collection of ten articles, E. Kilpinen, O. Kivinen & S. Pihlström (editors), Sivustakatsoja ei opi: Pragmatismi filosofiassa ja yhteiskuntatieteissä (‘A By-stander Will Not Learn: Pragmatism in Philosophy and in the Social Sciences’) - working title. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.