The Yuri Levada Archives
(YLA) collect critical studies and biographical materials about Yuri Levada (1930-2006) and his era. This web-based, open-source project serves as a clearing house for those interested in Levada scholarhsip and biographical methods of research. Postings on the YLA web site are divided into several overlapping sections: “Documents and Papers,” “Biographical Materials,” “Critical Assessments,” “Levda in the News” and “Comments and Dialogues.” The biographical section contains previously published materials, as well as new interviews and memoirs.  The theoretical groundwork for this undertaking is laid out in an article “Signing in the Flesh: Notes on Pragmatist Hermeneutics,”, and preliminary results are summed up in B. Doktorov's study "In Search of 'Real Turth': Notes on Levada's Biogahpy" and D. Shalin's paper "Phenomenological Foundations of Theoretical Practice: Biocritical Notes on Y. A. Levada" (PDF).

Socrates believed that the unexamined life is not worth living and extolled bios philosophicus or bios theoretikos.  We take this to mean that our lives must be informed by principles and our principles embodied in our lives.  Levada's life was dedicated to the science of society, and the Levada archives are a tribute to a distinguished sociolgist, as well as an attempt to explore the intersection between the biographical and theoretical corpus of Yuri Levada and people of his era. 

We see the YLA as a collective enterprise, with all those interested sharing info, writing papers, offering comments, engaging in dialogues, serving as sounding boards for each other.  This promises to be a different kind of history and study of society, an inquiry that transgresses the lines separating the subject and object of research, where we can not only do justice to our teachers, colleagues, and friends, but also engage in collectively-festive therapy, settle some old accounts in the spirit of charity and fairness, and exorcise the ghosts of academic years past. 

The site co-directors are Boris Doktorov,, and Dmitri Shalin, The site managers welcome readers’ comments and contributions. If you had a chance to observe Yuri Aleksandrovich or heard a tale worth retelling, you can contribute a memoir or have your interview recorded and added to the Levada archives.  More online resources can be found in the Goffman Archives, International Biography Initiative, Intercyberlibrary, Pragmacyberlibrary,and Culture and Intelligentsia sections of the Center for Democratic Culture web site.

The Yuri Levada Archives
Documents and Papers
Levada's Pulbications

Y. Levada, Works, Vol. 1
Y. Levada, Works, Vol. 7
Y. Levada, The Social Nature of Religion, 1965
Y. Levada, Lectures in Sociology, 1969 (Rus)
Y. Levada, Studies in Sociology, 1993 (Rus)
Y. Levada, The Simple Soviet Man, 1993 (Rus)
Y. Levada, Civic Culture, 1996 (Eng)
Y. Levada, From Opinion to Understanding: Essays in Sociology, 1993-2000, 1993 (Rus)
Y. Levada, Seaching for Man: Essays in Sociology, 2000-2005 (Rus)
Y. Levada, The
Question of 'Elite' in Today's Russia, 2007 (Rus)
Y. Levada, The Debate about the 'Teilhard' Phenomenon 1962 (Rus)
Y. Levada, Problems of Economic Anthroplogy in Marx, 1983 (Rus)
Y. Levada, 1989-1999: A Decade of Forced Changes, 1998 (Rus)
Y, Levada, The Unhappy Man: Protest and Patience, 1999 (Rus)
Y, Levada, The Perspectives on Man: An Attempt at Undertsanding, 2001 (Rus)
Y. Levada, The Soviet Man: The Problem of Reconstructing the Original Forms, 2001 (Rus)
Y, Levada, Human Coordinates: The Summary of Results, 2001 (Rus)
Y. Levada, The Crowdds adn Their Games, 2002 (Rus)
Y. Levada, The 'Nostalgic Man': Realities and Issues, 2002(Rus)
Y. Levada, Patterns of Adaptive Behavior, 2002 (Rus)
Y. Levada, The Time of Change: The Researcher's Stance, 2003
Y. Levada, The Soviet Man, 2004 (Rus)
Y. Levada,
What Sociology Can and Cannot Do, 2004 (Rus)
Y. Levada,
The Meaning and Paradoxes of Rating: An Attempt at Understanding, 2005 (Rus)
Y. Levada, The Dissatisfied Man? 2006 (Rus)
Y. Levada, Power, Elite, and Masses: Interfaces in Russian Crises, 2006 (Rus)
Y. Levada, 'I Thought It Would Be Unnatural to Act in Any Other Way' - The Harvard Interview, 1990 (Rus)
Y. Levada, 'Scholarly Life Unfolds within Scholarly Seminars,' 1996 (Rus)
Y. Levada, 'Whose Opinion Is This,' 2005 (Rus)
Y. Levada, The Revolt of the Weakest: The Meaning of Social Protest, 2005 (Rus)
Y. Levada, 'Russians Are Ready to Bear a Big Burden,' 2005 (Rus)
Y. Levada, 'Russia Without Fears,' 2006 (Rus)
Y. Levada, 'Yuri Levada on TV,' 2006 (Rus)
Y. Levada, Bibliography

Y.Levada, Publications

Interviews wtih Levada
Levada in the News
Biographical Materials

Vladimir Paniotto, 2007
Tatyana Shaidarova, 2007

Grigory Sapov, 2007
Theodor Shanin, 2010
Viktor Sheinis, 2008 2010
Franz Sheregi, 2008
Leonid Stolovich, 2011
Tatiana Vorozheikina 2010
Vladimir Yadov, 2008
Boris Yudin, 2010
Andrey Zdravomyslov, 2007
Critical Assessments
Comments and Dialogues

* The Yuri Levada Archives (YLA) are part of the International Biography Initiative sponsored by the UNLV Center for Democratice Culture. The YLA are is the web-based, open-source project that serves as a clearing house for those interested in Yuri Levada scholarship and biographical methods of research.  Postings on the website are divided into several partially overlapping sections: “Documents and Papers,” “Biographical Materials,” “Critical Assessments,” “Levada in the News” and “Comments and Dialogues.” The project co-directors are Dr. Boris Doktorov ( and Dmitri Shalin ( When you cite the materials collected for the GBA, please use the following reference:  Bios Sociologicus: The Yuri Levada Archives, ed. by Boris Z. Doktorov and Dmitri N. Shalin (UNLV: CDC Publications, 2009).