Erving Goffman Archives
(EGA) collects documents, biographical materials, and critical studies about Dr. Erving Goffman, the 73d president of the American Sociological Association (1922-1982).  EGA provides personal testimonies and documents bearing on academic life in the post WWII Untied States, with special attention to the plight of women in the social sciences.  This web-based, open-source, collective enterprise serves as a clearing house for those interested in the dramaturgical perspective in sociology and biographical methods of research. Postings on the EGA web site are divided into several overlapping sections: “Documents and Papers,” “Goffman's Publications,” “Goffman in the News,” “Biographical Materials,” “Critical Assessments,” and “Comments and Dialogues.” The biographical section contains previously published materials, as well as new memoirs and conversations about Erving Goffman.  The theoretical groundwork for this undertaking is laid out in an articleSigning in the Flesh: Notes on Pragmatist Hermeneutics.” Preliminary results were summed up in a paper presented at the 2008 ASA meeting in Boston, “Goffman’s Biography and the Interaction Order:  A Study in Biocritical Hermeneutics,” and a paper read at the 2010 ASA meeting in Atlanta, Goffman’s Self-Ethnographies.”  Symbolic Interaction published a special issue on Erving Goffman and the Goffman Archives, and UNLV Gaming Research & Review brought out a collection of essays on Goffman, Gambling, and Risk Society.  A comprehensive biography of Goffman based on the EGA matirals is publshed by Routledge under the heading Erving Manuel Goffman: Bographical Sources of Sociological Imagination.   The index of biographical materials gathered for this project and headlined by the authors can be found on the following page, you cite EGA materials, please use the following reference:  Bios Sociologicus: The Erving Goffman Archives, Dmitri N. Shalin, ed. (UNLV: CDC Publications, 2007-2022).

Socrates believed that the unexamined life is not worth living and extolled
bios philosophicus or bios theoretikos.  We take this to mean that our lives must be informed by principles and our principles embodied in our lives.  Goffman’s life is a prime example of bios sociologicus – a life dedicated to the science of society, with no sharp division between Goffman the scholar and Goffman the man.  As the interviews and memoirs collected for the EGA suggest, Erving was a participant observer par excellence, constantly exploring, experimenting, testing social conventions, charting the boundaries of the interaction order, and unnerving those around him in the process.  The biocritical inquiry and the Goffman archives it spawned explore the intersection between the biographical and theoretical corpus of Erving Goffman and people of his era. We see the EGA as a collective enterprise, with all those interested sharing info, engaging in dialogues, serving as sounding boards for each other.  This promises to be a different kind of history and study of society, an inquiry that transgresses the lines separating the subject and object of research, where we can not only do justice to our teachers, colleagues, and friends, but also engage in collectively-festive therapy, settle some old accounts in the spirit of charity and fairness, and exorcise the ghosts of academic years past. The site co-directors are Sherri Cavan and Dmitri Shalin.  Members of the EGA Advisory Board include Ruth Horowitz, Peter Manning, Gary Marx, Tom Scheff, and Jacqueline Wiseman. Frances Goffman Bay and Esther Besbris are the project consultants
. The site managers welocme readers' comments and contribitions. If you had a chance to observe Erving or heard a tale worth retelling, you can contribute a memoir or have your interview recorded and added to the Goffman Archives. More online resources can be found in the Intercyberlibrary, Pragmacyberlibrary, International Biography Initiative, Culture and Intelligentsia sections of the Center for Democratic Culture web site           

The Erving Goffman Archives
Documents and Papers

Erving Goffman's Ancestors, From the Averbach Family Reunion Album, 2007
Anne Averbach Goffman's Family, From the Averback Family Reunion Album, 2007
Frances Goffman Bay, Tribute on the Occasion of Her Walk of Fame Induction, 2008
Frances Goffman Bay, Canadian Hall of Fame Nomination, 2008
Max Goffman, Obituary, 1954

Frances Goffman Bay, Obituary, 2011
Erving Goffman's Obituary, The New York Times, 1982
Erving Goffman's Obituary, The Philadelphia Inquirer, 1982
Erving Goffman, The Role of Status Symbols in Social Organization, 1948
Erving Goffman, Some Characteristics of Response to Depicted Situations, 1949
Erving Goffman, Draft of Ph.D. Thesis Statement, 1952
Erving Goffman, Communication Conduct in an Island Community, 1953
Erving Goffman, The Service Station Dealer, 1953
Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, The Edinburgh Edition, 1956
Erving Goffman, Goffman in Shetland
Erving Goffman, Resume, 1963
Erving Goffman, Resume, 1979
Erving Goffman, Graduation Address at the University of Manitoba, 1976

Erving Goffman, MacIver Award, 1961
Erving Goffman, Honorary Degree Awarded by the University of Chicago, 1979
Donald Levine, Statement on the Occasion of Goffman's Honorary Degree at the University of Chicago, 1979
Erving Goffman, Jacqueline Wiseman, and Sherri Cavan Talk the Pacific Association's  Panel, 1974   
Angelica Schuyler Choate, The Personality Trends of Upperclass Women, 1950
Erving Goffman-Irving Louis Horowitz, Correspondence, 1965-1975
Erving Goffman-Everett Hughes, Correspondence, 1955-1978
Everett Hughes, Syllabus for Introduction to Field Methods, 1947
Erving Goffman-Dell Hymes, Correspondence, 1967-1982
Everett Hughes, Audio File with a Letter to Goffman, 1970
Erving Goffman-Thomas Sebeok, Correspondence, 1961-1980   
Erving Goffman, Leter to Diane Bjorklund, 1981
Erving Gofffman, Letters to Bob Emerson and Alexander Morin, 1970, 1981

Erving Goffman, Letter to Tom Scheff, 1973

Erving Goffman, Letter Acknowledging Honorary Degree at the University of Chicago, 1980
Erving Goffman, Letter to Peter Nardi, 1981
Erving Goffman, Letter to Horst Helle, 1982
Erving Goffman,
Syllabus and Readings for Class on Society and Perosnality, 1960
Erving Goffman,
Syllabus and Readings for Class on Communication and Social Contact, 1960
Erving Goffman,
Readings for Class on Public Order, 1969
Erving Goffman,
Readings for Class on the Ethnography of Symbolic Forms, 1970
Erving Goffman, Readings for Class on Social Interaction, 1972
Erving Goffman-Michael Delaney, Exchange on Frame Analysis, 1973
Harold Bershady, Exchange with Goffman on the ASA Panel, 1982
Michael Delaney, Term Paper for Goffman's Class, 1970
Michel Delaney, Midterm Exam for Goffman's Class, 1972
Sherri Cavan,
Term Paper for Goffman's Class, 1962

Sherri Cavan, Final Exam for Goffman's Sociology Class
John Lofland Files, 1982-1983

Tom Goffman, The Medical Industrial Complex, 2003
Tom Goffman, Consultation Chaos, 2004

Goffman's Publications

E. Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life

E. Goffman, On Face Work
E. Goffman, Behavior in Public Places
E. Goffman, Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates
E. Goffman, Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face to Face Behavior
E. Goffman, Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity
E. Goffman, Relations in Public: Microstudies of the Public Order
E. Goffman, Strategic Interaction
E. Goffman, Frame Analysis
E. Goffman, Forms of Talk
E. Goffman, Gender Advertisement
E. Goffman, The Goffman Reader
E. Goffman, The Neglected Situations
E. Goffman, The Interaction Order: 1982 Presidential Address
E. Goffman, The Insanity of Place
E. Goffman, On Fieldwork
E. Goffman, Response Cries
E. Goffman, Felicity's Condition
E. Goffman, The Arrangement between the Sexes
E. Goffman, The Nature of Deference and Demeanor

E. Goffman, Embarrassment and Social Organization

E. Goffman, The Neglected Situation
E. Goffman, Symbols of Class Status
E. Goffman, On Cooling the Mark Out
E. Goffman, Review: Tobati: Paraguayan Town

E. Goffman, Review: Children's Humor: A Psychological Analysis
E. Goffman, Review: Human Problems of a State Mental Hospital

E. Goffman, Bibliography (HTML)

E. Goffman, Bibliography (PDF)
Goffman in the News

The New York Times, Articles Citing Erving Goffman, 1961-2008
Glen King, Well Chosen Title, 1958
Sidney Harris, Public Blind to Mental Sickness, 1962
S. Duvall and E. Duvall, Is Hazing Limited to Colleges, 1965
S. Duvall and E. Duvall, Swindlers Frequently Make Use of Psychology, 1968
Anderson Herald, Patients Being Seen Made by Hospitals, 1968
Joyce Brothers, Daughter Looks Like Hippie, 1968
Joyce Brothers, Etiquette Demands Discussed, 1968
Joyce Brothers, Boy Friend Wants to Sky Dive, 1968
Joyce Brothers, Is This Your Problem?, 1968
Joyce Brothers, Gestures Do Talking, 1969
Joyce Brothers, Sunglass Wearing Thought, 1970
Joyce Brothers, Good Manners Social Forum, 1970
San Antonio Light, Tilting Shoe Means Shoo!, 1969
Time, Exploring a Shadow World, 1969
Julius Fast, Masking Emotions Guards Space Zones, 1970
Robert Rheinhold, UC Faculty Leaders Start Drifting Away to the East, 1969
S. I. Hayakawa, Mentally Ill Don't Complain, 1971
Max Lerner, Pay for the Madman, 1972
Christopher Lehman-Haupt, 'City Police' is Low Key Look at Philadelphia's Law Enforcers, 1973
Dr. Goffman Will Lecture at Gettysburg College, 1973
Editorial, Aging Idiots Gloomy World Forecast for Grads, 1976
Dr. Goffman, Convocation Exercises, 1976
Ellie Grossman, Etiquette Topic of Study, 1984
Jack Rosenthal, Body Language Relates More Than Mere Words, 1987
Dennis Jarrett, The Tipping of America, 2000
Judy Gerstel, Sophie Freud: Psychoanalysis Is Not Useful, 2003
E. Goffman, Horoscope by Holiday, 2004
J. Senior, Obama and the New Age of Candor, 2009
Erving Goffman, Wikipedia

Biographical Materials

Daniel Albas, 2010

Angelo Alonzon, 2014
Peter Archibald, 2014
Carl Backman, 2009

Eli Bay, 2009
Howard Becker, 2007

Bennett Berger, 1973
Marshall Berman, 1972
Harold Bershady, 2009
Esther Besbris, 2009
Joel Best, 2007
Elizabeth Bott Spillius, 2010    
Carol Brooks Gardner 2008
Meyer Brownstone, 2009
Sherri Cavan, 2008
Aaron Cicourel, 2009
Dan Cisin, 2015
Adele Clark, 2009
Walter Clark, 2009
Randall Collins, 1986
Paul Creelan, 1984
Arlene Daniels, 1983 2009
Richard Daniels, 2009
David Dickens, 2007
Robert Dingwall, 2008
Russell Dynes, 1983 2009
Frederick Elkin, 2009
Robert Erwin, 1992
Gary Alan Fine, 2000 2009
Andy Fontana, 2007
Renée Fox, 2008
Gertrude Frankelson, 2009
David Franks, 2008
Eliot Freidson, 1983
William Gamson, 2009
Carol Brooks Gardner 2008
Arnold Glass, 2009
Charles Glock, 2008
Frances Goffman Bay, 2009
Jeffrey Goldfarb, 2008
Leo Goodman, 2009
Alvin Gouldner, 1970
Allen Grimshaw, 1983
Joseph Gusfield, 2008
Robert Habenstein, 2008
Gerald Handel, 2009
Samuel Heilman, 2008
Travis Hirschi, 2012
Horst Helle, 2009
Arlie Russell Hochschild, 1990
Ruth Horowitz, 2007

Joan Huber, 2009
Dell Hymes, 1984
Jonathan Imber, 2006
John Irwin, 2007
Gary Jaworski, 2000
Rachel Kahn-Hut, 2009
Avron Katz, 2001
Luis Kriesberg 2009

Lester Kurtz, 2011
Gladys Lang, 2009
Kurt Lang, 2009
Marshall Ledger, 1982
Charles Lemert, 1997
Donald Levine, 2009
Victor Lidz, 2008
John Lofland, 1984, 2009
Dean MacCannell, 1983 1990 2009
Peter Manning, 1976 2007 2008
Philip Manning, 2000
Gary Marx, 1984
Gail McGregor, 1986
David Mechanic, 1989
Gladys Meirovits, 2013
Saul Mendlovitz, 2008
Peter Miller, 2010
Calvin Morrill, 2008
David Nasatir, 2010
Jane Allyn Piliavin, 2009
Elizabeth Pogoda, 2022
Mark Piliavin, 2009
Judith Posner, 1978
Jane Prather, 2009
Laurel Richardson, 2014
Robin Room, 2009
Jay Ruby, 2015
David Sapir, 2014
Magali Sarfatti-Larson, 2009
Thomas Scheff, 2006
Emanuel Schegloff, 1992
Thomas Schelling, 2015
Jordan Scher, 2004 2009
Deborah Schiffrin, 2009
Marvin Scott, 2010
Gino Segre, 2010
Vladmir Shlapentokh, 2008
James Short, 2013

Arlene Skolnick, 2010
Neil Smelser, 2009, 2009b
Rodney Stark, 2008
P. M. Strong, 1983
Ann Swidler, 2010
Leonard Syme, 2011
Edwrd Tiryakian, 2011
Ralph Turner, 2009
Roy Turner, 2010
J. Verhoeven, 1993
Ruth Wallace, 2009
Jack Whalen, 2008
Simon Johnson Williams, 1986
Yves Winkin, 1992 1999
Audrey Wipper, 2009
Jacqueline Wiseman, 2008
Dennis Wrong, 1990 2010
T. R. Young, 1971

Marly Zaslov, 2009
Eviatar Zerubavel, 2008, 2019

Critical Assessments

F. e F. Bascaglia, Postfazione
F. Basaglia, A Cura de F. e F Basaglia, Morire di Classe, La condizione manicomiale fotografata da C. Serati e G. Cardin

C. Battersilll, Erving Goffman as Precursor to Post-modern Sociology

H. Becker, The Politics of Presentation: Goffman and Total Institution
H. Blumer, Action vs. Interaction: Relations in Public - Microstudies of Interaction Order by Erving Goffman
P. Bock, The Importance of Goffman to Psychological Anthropology
L. Boltanski, Erving Goffman et le temps du soupçon
P. Bourdieu, Erving Goffman, The Discoverer of the Infinitely Small
L. Bovone, Ethics as Etiquette: The Emblematic Contribution of Erving Goffman
D. Brown, Goffman's Dramaturgical Sociology
T. Burns, Erving Goffman
S. Cavan, Review of "Gender Advertisements"     
S. Cavan, When Erving Goffman Was a Boy: The Formative Years of a Sociological Giant
D. Cefari, Goffman's Micropolitics. The Interaction Order as Public Order
M. Cerulo, Il problema della realita nella sociologia di Erving Goffman
M. Cerulo,
Da Simmel al 'Colegio invisibile": differenze e contributi nella costruzione del frame goffmaniano
K. Charmaz, Premises, Principles, and Practices in Qualitative Research: Revisiting Foundations
K. Charmaz, Looking Backward, Moving Forward: Expanding Sociological Horizons in the Twenty-First Century
J. Chriss, Toward an Interparadigmatic Dialogue on Goffman
J, Chriss, Looking Back on Goffman: Excavation Continues
J. Chriss, Spain on Status and Space: Comment
J. Chriss, Habermas, Goffman, and Communicative Action: Implications for Professional Practice
J. Chriss, Review: Some Thoughts on Recent Efforts to Further Systematize Goffman
I. Cohen, Autonomy and Credibility: Voice as Method (with Mary Rogers)
R. Collins, Goffman and Garfinkel in the Intellectual Life of the 20th Century
R. Collins, Goffman in the Intellectual Life of the 20th Century
R. Collins, The Passing of Intellectual Generations: Reflections on the Death Erving Goffman
P. Colomy, J. Brown, Goffman and Interactional Citizenship
L. Corder, The Utility of Erving Goffman's Theoretical Perspective, Metaphorical Models, and "Serious Ethnography"
W. Corsaro, Review of Goffman's Forms of Talk
J. Cresswell, A. Hawn,Drawing on Bakhtin and Goffman: Toward an Epistemology That Makes Lived Experience Visible
A. Dal Lago, Life as Gambling, or, What I Think I Learned from Goffman by Gambling in Las Vegas
M. Delaney, Goffman at Penn: Star Presence, Teacher-Mentor, Profaning Jester
M. Delaney, Erving Goffman: Professional and Personal Timeline
M. Delaney, Erving Goffman's Early Years: Reflections of Family and Friends
M. Delaney, Encontering Goffman
A. Daniels, A Tribute to Erving Goffman
M. Davis, Review of Frame Analysis
M. Davis, Georg Simmel and Erving Goffman: Legitimators of the Sociological Investigation of Human Experience
M. Jo Deegan, Goffman on Gender, Sexism, and Feminism: A Summary of Notes on a Conversation with Erving Goffman
N. Denzin, Frame Analysis Reconsidered (with Charles Keller)

M. Dirda, Waiting for Goffman
J. Diski, Think of Mrs. Darling
C. Drew, Erving Goffman: Exploring the Interaction Order (with a. Wootton)
R. Dyness, Goffman as Organization Man
H. Farberman, Review of Goffman's Forms of Talk
G. Fine, Erving Goffman (with Philip Manning)
G. Fine, Erving Goffman (with Greg Smith)
G. Fine, Claiming the Text: Parsing the Sardonic Visions of Erving Goffman and Thorstein Veblen
G. Fine & D. Martin, Sarcasm, Satire anfd Irony as Voices in Erving Goffman's Asylums
E. Freidson, Celebrating Erving Goffman
M. Gambino, Erving Goffman's Asylums and Institutional Culture in the Mid-Twentieth Century United States
W. Gamson, Goffman's Legacy to Political Sociology
W. Gamson, Review of Frame Analysis
P. Giglioli, Forword to the ERQ Special Issue
on the 100th Anniversary of Goffman's Birth
R. Handler, Erving Goffman and the Gestural Dynamics of Modern Selfhood
R. Handler, What's Up Dr. Goffman? Tell Us Where the Action Is
H. Helle, Erving Goffman: A Symbolic Interactionist?
T. Hood, Review of Goffman's Gender Advertisements
D. Hymes, Erving Goffman
F. Jameson, On Goffman's Frame Analysis
G. Jaworsky, Goffman's in Spies and Espionage: The University of Chicago Context

G. Jaworski, Erving Goffman as Sorcerer's Apprentice
G. Jaworski, Erving Goffman: The Reluctant Apprentice
G. Jaworski, On Loyalty and Betrayal in Postwar Social Science
T. Koroleva, The Online Erving Goffman Archives
L. Lacaze, La théorie de l’étiquetage modifiée, ou l’« analyse stigmatique » revisitée
L. Lacaze, Herbert Blumer et l'interactionnisme symbolique
Ch. Lemert, "Goffman"
J. Lofland, The Sociological Legacies of Erving Goffman
J. Loffland, Early Goffman: Style, Structure, Substance, Soul
R. Kelly, Scenes of Everyday Life: Solidarity Rituals and Shared Reality Constructs in Erving Goffman (with R. Rieber)
D. McCarthy, Erving Goffman and Our Time
G. Mcgregor, A View from the Fort: Erving Goffman as Canadian
P. Manning, Review: Erving Goffman and Modern Sociology
Ph. Manning, Erving Goffman (with Gary Fine)
Ph. Manning, Erving Goffman and Modern Sociology

Ph. Manning, Drama as Life: The Significance of Goffman's Changing Use of the Theater Metaphor
Ph. Manning, Erving Goffman (with Gary Alan Fine)
Ph. Manning, Blumer, Goffman and Psychoanalysis
Ph. Manning, Review: Erving Goffman
G. Marx, Erving Goffman at 100
G. Marx, Role Models and Role Distance: A Remembrance of Erving Goffman
S. Maynard, Goffman, Garfinkel, and Games
M. Merritt, Erving Goffman, An Interdisciplinary Anthropologist at Work
P. Miller, The Long-Term Resonance of Erving Goffman's Observations
B. Mizstal, Normality and Trust in Goffman's Theory of Interaction Order

A. Mubi Brighenti and A. Pavoni, Goffman Back in Town. On New Relations in Public
G. Nunberg, Review of Goffman's Forms of Talk
A. Rawls, Situating Goffman's «Interaction Orders» in Durkheim's Social Fact Lineage
A. Rawls, The Interaction Order Sui Generis: Goffman's Contribution to Social Theory
S. Riggins, Beyond Goffman: Studies on Communication, Instiution, and Social Interaction
R. Perinbanayagam, Dramas, Metaphors, and Structures
R. Perinbanayagam, The Definition of the Situation: An Analysis of an Ethnomethodological and Dramaturgical View
A. Persson, Ritualization and Vulnerability
A. Persson, Why Goffman Never Made it into the Swedish Textbooks
A. Persson, Framing Social Interaction: Continuities and Cracks in Goffman's Frame Analysis
M. Pettit, The Con Man as a Model of Organism: The Methodological Roots of Erving Goffman's Dramaturgical Self
E. & P. Pochoda, Erving Goffman
C. Prince and J. Wynn, Festivalgoers as Players. Group identity in Goffmanian Games
G. Psathas, Theoretical Perspectives on Goffman: Critique and Commentary
G. Psathas, Why Goffman Was Not an Ethnomethodologist
R. Rettie, Mobile Phone Communication: Extending Goffman to Mediated Communication
F. Ranci, How Cryptocurrencies Illustrate Erving Goffman's Take on "False Consciousness"
F. Ranci, Simboli di appartenenza a una classe sociale – Sul rinfrescare le idee al pollo
F. Ranci, Forgetting Erving Goffman, and Others, Comes at a Price
F. Ranci, The Unfinished Business of Erving Goffman: From Marginalization to the Center of American Sociology
V. Romania, Goffman in Dixon. Ethnographer or Performer?
V. Romania, Imaging Social Distance after Covid-19. A Goffmanian Perspective
V. Romania, Ervnig Goffman et la seconda scuola di Chicago

P. Rosenberg, Review of Goffman's Frame Analysis
D. Sapir, Walker Evans and His Documentary Style"
T. Scheff, Goffman on Emotions: The Pride-Shame System
T. Scheff, The Goffman Legacy: Deconstructing/Reconstructing Social Science
T. Scheff, The Structure of Context: Deciphering Frame Analysis
T. Scheff, Can Concepts be Grounded? Goffman's Way
T. Scheff, Concept Formation: Goffman and Beyond
T. Scheff, Cooley and Goffman on the Ubiquity of Shame
T. Scheff, Goffman Unbound!: A New Paradigm for Social Science
T. Sheff, Parts and Wholes: Goffman and Cooley
T. Scheff, Getting Unstuck: Interdisciplinarity as a New Discipline
E. Schegloff, Goffman and the Analysis of Conversation

E. Schegloff, Confirming Illusions: Toward an Empirical Account of Action
R. Sennet, Review of Four Books by Goffman
D. Shalin, Erving Goffman: The Social Science Maverick. Assessing the Interdisciplinary Impact of the Most Cited American Sociologist
D. Shalin, Erving Goffman, Fateful Action, and the Las Vegas Gambling Scene
D. Shalin, Interfacing Biography, Theory, and History: The Case of Erving Goffman
D. Shalin, Goffman on Mental Illness: ‘Asylums’ and ‘The Insanity of Place’ Revisited
D. Shalin, The Place of "Asyums" in Goffman's Research Corpus
D. Shalin, Goffman's Self-Ethnographies
D. Shalin, Goffman's Biography and the Interaction Order: A Study in Biocritical Hermeneutics
D. Shalin,
Erving Goffman as a Pioneer in Self-Ethnography? The “Insanity of Place” Revisited
D. Shalin, Signing in the Flesh: Notes on Pragmatist Hermeneutics
G. Smith, Erving Goffman
G. Smith, Goffman and Social Organization: Studies in a Sociological Legacy
G. Smith, Chrysalid Goffman: A Note on "Some Characteristics of Response to Depicted Experience"
G. Smith, Review: Gender Advertisements

G. Smith, Erving Goffman (with Gary Alan Fine)
M. Smith, Goffman's Legacy
R. Sommer, Tom and Ervng Visited Las Vegas

P. Strong, The Importance of Being Earnest: Erving Goffman 1922-1982
Time, Review of Goffman's Relations in Public

U. Tuhus-Dubrow, What Masks Signify
C. Tucker, Erving Goffman: A Comparative Analysis
J. Verhoeven, Erving Goffman's Frame Analysis in Relation to Modern Micro-sociological Paradigms

J. Verhoeven, Backstage with Erving Goffman: The Context of the Interview
M. Wax, Erving Goffman and Chicago Sociology
L. Wacquant, L'habitus de Goffman
J. Wedel, Ladies, We Have Been Framed! Observations on Erving Goffman's The Arrangement between the Sexes"
S. Wineman, Erving and Alice and Sky and Elisabeth
C. West, Goffman in Feminist Perspective
C.K. Williams, A Poem for Erving Goffman
S. Williams, Appraising Goffman
Y. Winkin, Erving Goffman. The Travelling Hermit
Y. Winkin, Erving Goffman: What is a Life? The Uneasy Making of an Intellectual Biography
Y. Winkin, Baltasound as the Symbolic Capital of Social Interaction
Y. Winkin, The French (Re)presentaton of Goffman's Presentation and Other Books
Y. Winkin, Les moments e leurs hommes

S. Worth, Introduction to Goffman's Gender Advertisement
Library of Congress, Holdings of Books by and about Goffman
University of Manitoba, Holdings of Books by and about Goffman

Comments and Dialogues

Note from Frances Goffman Bay and Esther Besbris to Goffman Scholars, 2010-2011
Remembering Sherri Cavan, 1938-2016
Horst Helle on Goffman, Simmel, and Chicago, 2014
Laurel Richardson on Erving Goffman and Goffman Archives, 2014

David Levine on American Sociologists of Jewish Descent, 2014
Vincent Colapietro on Erving Goffman and Goffman Archives, 2014

Peter Miller, The Perilous Journey of the Self and the Salvation of Private Life, 2013
Richard See Comments on Erving Goffman, 2012
Marx, Cavan, Wiseman, Glass, and Shalin on the Goffman Archives, Confidentiality, and Privacy, 2009

Cavan-Shalin on Goffman's "The Insanity of Place" as an Exercise in Self-Ethnography, 2009
Cavan-Glass on Qualitative Research and the Ethics of Participant Observation, 2009
Arnold Glass on the Goffman Project, Malleable Self, and Enduring Character, 2009-2010
Arnold Glass on Angelica Schuyler Choate, 2010
Cavan-Shalin on Sky's Master's Thesis, 2009
Harold Bershady on Michael Delaney's Dissertation, 2009

Victor Lidz on Goffman at Penn, 2009

Peter Manning on Erving Goffman, 2007

Gary Marx on Goffman the Teacher, the Scholar, the Man, 2008
Michael Schwalbe on Racism, Gendered Being, and Authenticity, 2008
Arthur Stinchcombe on the Goffman Project, 2008
Dmitri Shalin on Goffman's Biography and the Interaction Order, 2008



* The Erving Goffman Archives (EGA) is the web-based, open-source project that serves as a clearing house for those interested in the dramaturgical tradition in sociology and biographical methods of research.  The EGA is located in the Intercyberlibrary of the UNLV Center of Democratic Culture,  Postings on the website are divided into several overlapping sections: “Documents and Papers,” “Goffman's Pulbications,” “Goffman in the News,” “Biographical Materials,” “Critical Assessments,” and “Comments and Dialogues.”  For inquiries regarding the EGA projects, please contact Dr. Dmitri Shalin,  When you cite the materials collected for the EGA, please use the following reference:  Bios Sociologicus: The Erving Goffman Archives, ed. by Dmitri N. Shalin (UNLV: CDC Publications, 2009).