Crosscultural Dialogues
are designed to bring students at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in touch with their counterparts around the world and let the young men and women debate the questions of mutual interest.  Connected via Internet, students talk about international and local issues facing people in different countries, explore their differences, and identify points of agreement. The exchange is facilitated by civic culture and social science educators who identify discussion topics, help students formulate their positions, and teach them to look critically at the pressing issues of the day. The dialogue questions and student answers are posted on the site of the Center for Democratic Culture, UNLV organization promoting civic education and civility in public discourse through research, scholarly exchange, and community-based programs.  The first crosscultural dialogue addressed the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City that shook the United States on September 11, 2001, and the Nord-Ost Siege that lead to numerous casualties in Russia’s capital Moscow on October 10, 2002.  Excerpts from this dialogue can be found here: Dialogue on Terrorism:  9/11 & 10/23. This exchange was followed by the dialogues on the United Nations and Syria, Russian-Ameican Relations 1, Domestic Violence, and Same-Sex Marriage.  Now we offer a crosscutural dialogue on Russian-America Relations 2.

Dialogue on Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin


In the fall of 2019, students from the University of Nevada in Las Vegas and University of St. Petersburg took part in the following dialogue under the heading "Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin: Elective Affinity."  Answers by American and Russian students to the questions listed below will be posted on this page.

Диалог о Дональде Трампе и Владимире Путине

Осенью 2019 г. студенты Университета Невады в Лас Вегасе и Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета приняли участие в диалоге "Дональд Трамп и Владимир Путин: Избирательное Сродство". Ответы американских и российских студентов на нижеследующий вопросы будут опубликованы на этой странице


The U.S. president Donald Trump is often compared to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.  The two leaders have publicly expressed respect for each other and sought to identify international problems that could benefit from their cooperation.  At the same time, tension persists in relations between the United States and the Russian Federation on the issues of disarmament, engagement in Syria, and Russian interference in American elections.

Do you see parallels in the leadership style of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin?  What are the similarities and differences between the American and Russian presidents?  Was Donald Trump justified in withdrawing from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty?  Has Russian and American government cooperated effectively in fighting terrorism?  Do you think Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential elections on behalf of one of the presidential contenders, and if so, should it be held accountable for its action?  Do you think Russia and the United States can cooperate despite their divergent national interests?


Обозреватели часто проводят сравнения между американским президентом Дональдом Трампом и российским президентом Владимиром Путиным.  Оба лидера не раз высказывали взаимное уважение и искали возможности взаимодействия на международной арене.  В тоже время существуют трения между двумя странами по вопросам разоружения, войны в Сирии, и вмешательства российской стороны в президентские выборы 2016.

Вы видите параллели в стиле лидерства двух президентов?  В чем сходство и различие Дональда Трампа и Владимира Путина?  Оправдано ли решение Трампа выйти из Договора о ликвидации ракет средней и меньшей дальности?  Насколько эффективно сотрудничество России и Америки в борьбе с терроризмом?  Вы согласны с тем, что российская сторона  вмешивалась в американскую президентскую кампанию 2016 года с целью помочь одному из кандидатов, и если да, то должна ли она нести ответственность за свои действия?  Насколько реальны шансы на международное сотрудничество между Соединенными Штатами Америки и Российской Федерацией?

Suggested Readings

РИА Новости. Трамп назвал Путина "прекрасным парнем".  29 июня, 2019.
Илья Бараникас. "Путин и Трамп нашли темы для беседы". Московский комсомолец, 25 июня, 2019.
Татьяна Свачук. «Самый неэтичный» президент: почему характер Трампа – его главная проблема. Радио Свобода. 18 января, 2018.
Стив Херман. США вышли из ДРСМД. Радио Свобода. 7 июля 2019.
Геворкян Н. П., Тимакова Н. А., Колесников А. И. От первого лица. Разговоры с Владимиром Путиным. — Вагриус, 2000.
Paul D. Shinkman, Trump administration barreling toward new nuclear arms race with Russia, U.S. News & World Report, August 1, 2019.
America withdraws from the Intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty, The Economist, February 1, 2019.
Stolberg and Sheryl Gay. "Many politicians lie. But Trump has elevated the art of fabrication." The New York Times. March 11, 2019.
L. Shevtsova, 2015. "The Authoritarian resurgence." Journal of Democracy. 2015.
F. Hill, and C. Gaddy, "Putin and the uses of history." January 4, 2012.
D. Shalin, "Vladimir Putin's KGB Democracy." LasVegasReviewJournal, 2007.
D. Shalin, "Emotional barriers to democracy аre daunting," Los Angeles Times, 1993, October 27.

Web Links

* Crosscultural Dialogues is the program sponsored by the UNLV Center for Democratic Culture.  It brings students at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in touch with their counterparts around the world and lets the young men and women debate the questions of mutual interest.  If you have an interest in this program, please contact the CDC board of directors: